Thanks for the opportunity.
The wage subsidy piece has been top of the list with Unifor and USW in our conversations, just in terms of getting more of our companies in. As to the reasons that we're not fitting, there are a couple of things. The March 2019 comparison was when we were at our low point in lumber commodity markets. We came off a real high in 2017, got hit with softwood lumber, and things started to slide late in 2018. That was not a great benchmark for us. The January-February 2020 adjustment as an average didn't work either, because we were still not quite out of that point yet. Our margins are very thin and we're also selling in U.S. dollars. Our revenues get a bit of an artificial bump with the U.S. dollar, with the Canadian dollar going down, so we just couldn't fit into this model.
To be fair to the finance minister, we've shared these new approaches just in the last couple of days. We were looking forward to last Saturday's legislation and we took a few days to try to find our way. We do think there's an opportunity in the regulatory framework, so we'll do our best to push there. It's only been a couple of days, to be fair to Minister Morneau and his team.
As I said, that's not a magic bullet. We have massive cash flow issues that we have to deal with. Really, the wage subsidy will help us get a number of mills up and running, get some more people working and get that chip flow going to the pulp mills. We have three pulp mills that are either.... One is down and two are going down, but their order sheets are pretty full, so there's a demand for their products and we'd like to keep those pulp mills moving.
On the worker side, I learned two things in this process. The first is around what's called a SUB, or a supplementary unemployment benefit. Because we're a commodity sector, prior to March 15 a lot of companies in our sector that were in temporary shutdowns would try to keep a lot of our employees whole. They might go on EI, and then we'd top them up with SUB. It could be $200 to $300 a week on top of the $573 under EI.
On March 15, we kicked into the CERB, and I think I get why this happened: It was the ease of getting this thing up and running and cash out the door. Then the maximum benefit moved from $573 to $500. As well, our ability to do that $200 to $300 top-up was taken away from us. Right now it's still not fixed. It's been in Minister Qualtrough's office for about a week. We've had a couple of tries. I know they're busy, but we still haven't had word back.
That measure to top up and help our workers during this transition is on industry's dime, and we'd like the flexibility to use it again.