I apologize.
Supreme Court justices raised concerns about the timeliness of trials once courts resume, especially with respect to criminal and civil trials. I second these concerns, along with the expectations being placed upon potential jurors. Extremely resistant and unwilling to respond to a jury summons in the post-pandemic environment, many Canadians will not be equipped to serve on a lengthy trial so soon after the crisis, yet this will be the expectation.
Transitioning out of a period of unemployment, layoffs and tenuous employment, the focus for many Canadians will now be on their jobs and availability for work. Many will be experiencing financial hardships not seen in decades and still have family care commitments that will not have expired. Also worried about their own personal health, they will be fearful of close proximity to others in court and the confinement of jury duty.
The fears of infection will be starkly elevated among our senior citizens, a large proportion of whom sit on juries.
Canadian workplaces will be less willing or sympathetic to support employees during time spent in court, given their own economic fragility and desire to revitalize operations, putting mounting pressure on employees to respect their employers over their summons.
This current crisis will only serve to compound and deepen the foundational concerns for jury duty raised by the Canadian Juries Commission when we first appeared before you on February 6, 2020.
Jury duty is the last mandatory civic duty. Failure to show for a summons is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, yet I fear Canadians will be forced to make terrible choices between safety, duty and fines.
Jurors are an integral component of the court. Judges, legal counsel, court staff, police and first responders are afforded access to new and evolving evidence-based treatments, but the jury is not.
Alarming data has emerged during the pandemic highlighting the significant worsening of Canadians' mental health, raising concern among health care professionals about a looming echo mental health crisis.
The recent announcement by the federal government of significant mental health investments to address this present challenge must be met with similar funding for jury duty. Juror mental health requires a specific intervention through evidence-based assessment and treatment and trauma-informed approaches. This intervention must be given the same priority and made available to all regions of the country. Such is the mandate of the Canadian Juries Commission.
Given the deep concerns for jury duty, the Canadian Juries Commission would like to highlight the services we have in development now, which will provide critical support to the provinces and territories in managing juries, courthouses and support for jurors themselves. Our digital application will be made available to all Canadians free of cost, providing much-needed information about jury duty procedure and mental health solutions, with connections to practitioners and programs. It will be available in both official languages, as well as indigenous languages and others where appropriate.
Our online mental health, first aid and crisis management training for courthouses, court staff and officers managing jurors will be available across the country in order to fulfill a critical need. As Canadians begin to return to work, our jury duty workplace tool kit will assist employers and managers to help support employees as they transition through jury duty. Our much-needed juror peer support network is modelled after successful programs used by first responders, the military and veterans and has peer counsellors on standby awaiting training.
Our evidence-based assessment and clinical treatment programs, in partnership with organizations like CAMH and the Canadian Mental Health Association, will provide trauma-informed supports across the country to jurors following clinical best practices.
Honourable members, these are solutions that are needed now. These are solutions we can implement in time to meet the demand when courthouses reopen in the fall.
We were honoured to be included in this committee's first report among recommendations to the finance ministry to provide $20 million in funding over 10 years to the Canadian Juries Commission to support juror mental health.
The Canadian Juries Commission respectfully asks the members of the Standing Committee on Finance to champion your unanimous recommendation to provide 10 years of stable funding now for the commission, so that as courthouses reopen after the COVID crisis, our programs can meet the needs of Canadians serving on juries.
We hereby also request that jury duty be added to the list of federal essential services to combat COVID-19 as part of Canada's post-COVID recovery efforts. This will send the right message to all Canadians and build confidence in the system.
Thank you for allowing me to appear before you once again today.