Thank you for the question. We have been slow getting to market and operationalizing this solution.
We've been frankly quite steadfast with respect to providing support over the years more to the SMEs that provide services to the oil and gas sector. Again, back in 2005, as I mentioned, when prices plummeted, we put in place an extra $1.2 billion, I think it was, in a financing envelope with different levels of risk to make sure in the days of that aggressive price decline that SMEs had access to the funding they needed. We get the importance.
Again, I anticipate that on Thursday or Friday of this week, or on Monday, we'll be issuing a press release and putting all the details on our website of the specifics of the junior loan financing program we're offering. Again, it's for loans between $12.5 million and $60 million. For E and P companies that need more than that, the right place for them to go is the LEEFF facility that has been set up.
As for the way this is structured, again, it's delivered through the banks because of the knowledge of the clients they have and the quality of due diligence they can provide. The basic structure is that it's a junior loan. What it means, really, is that companies pay back nothing just for the first year, and then for years two, three and four, interest payments on the principal. That principal payment is just meant to be paid in one shot as a bullet in year four.