The issue with the personal account has to do with essentially what is referred to as knowing your client. When a business sets up an account as a business bank account, the financial institution they deal with will go through a vetting process. They'll be looking at various websites from an anti-fraud, anti-money laundering perspective, looking at the specific name of that business, looking at the articles of incorporation, looking at the beneficial owners and any connections that business might have to malfeasance. It is the responsibility of the financial institution to have a very good fix on what that entity is.
It also knows that whatever transactions are happening in that account are happening specifically in connection to the business activities. Again, from a money-laundering perspective, you have a clear understanding of the cash flows and the relationship they have to what are specifically business activities.
As you move to a personal account and individuals who are conducting business from a personal account, a couple of things happen. One is you simply do not have the same association with the business name as does the financial institution that has gone through the vetting process. The process they go through in order to get themselves comfortable with an individual involves a considerably more limited degree of scrutiny.
The other thing is that if you're looking at the account from a transactions perspective, what you're likely to find is that there are commingled transactions, where somebody may have been paying for a family dinner and then perhaps on other occasions they're using the account for activities that are very focused on their business purposes. It becomes, for practical purposes, impossible to disentangle those, which just goes to not understanding that entity quite as well.
When it comes to the Canada emergency business account program, because the program was designed to move very, very quickly to make funding available to its recipients, it had to rely on certain points that were very, very easy to validate. That was one of the critical elements of its success in moving as quickly as it did. It was really for that reason that, among other things, it needed to rely on the fact of that existing business banking account.