Thank you. I want to thank you for having me here to share my thoughts with you about the upcoming budget.
I've been a witness at this committee on other issues before, but just by way of background, I've been an income tax practitioner for over 30 years. While my comments today will be some of my income tax observations, they are informed by years as a student, as an employee, as an accounting student, and for the last 20 years, as a business owner running an accounting practice.
I'll be honest with you. We're all still licking our wounds from the battle that was waged over the government's private company tax changes. You'll be relieved to know I don't plan on rehashing all of that today. I know what this is about. We have what we have.
The only thing I'd like to say about it is that, during the process, I don't think the objectives of that process were flawed. Some of the ways of going about achieving the objectives were much too complicated, but they are what they are. We have complicated rules to work with instead of simple ones. In 10 years or so we might find we have some judicially determined answers to what are seemingly unanswerable questions right now, to be quite honest, with respect to the TOSI rules, the income-splitting rules.
I'm hopeful that the upcoming budget won't include similarly complicated proposals, and as a Canadian, to be very honest, I hope that they also won't include a lot of the divisive rhetoric we've seen in recent years. I personally found it very disturbing and really not productive to achieving what we as Canadians want.
I also just want to state that contrary to what I think many Canadians believe, business owners are not any more nefarious in their tax matters than employees are or, to use the government's term, the middle class and those working hard to join it. There are a number of employees who are very aggressive in their tax planning. I don't deal with aggressive tax planners. I don't want anything to do with them. I pay my fair share of tax and I think everyone else should. I don't really want to subsidize people who are cheating our tax system. I don't think anyone should have to pay more than their fair share but I don't think they should pay less. It's not really morally acceptable, in my opinion, to pay less than your fair share.
We live in a great country. We have a high standard of living. We should maintain that. We have great social safety nets. Some of them could be improved, but we look after our citizens and we look after our people and vulnerable Canadians. That, to me, is what I think our tax system should be doing. I'm happy to give suggestions to help keep funding that and using the funds efficiently to meet those objectives.
With that in mind, I'll just give you a few of my suggestions that will, hopefully, be considered in the budget or post-budget in further dealings. Hopefully, the 2020 budget will stray away from partisan positions and rhetoric and just take a more conciliatory approach to be more productive and to work with people who can help be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.
In that spirit I'd like to suggest that the government commit to three actions. First, we've invested in hiring more auditors, but I think the money needs to be spent now on training those auditors. What we're experiencing in the field, particularly at the audit level, is that a lot of people who are new to the audit world as auditors have not necessarily been trained in income tax provisions. They follow audit manuals. Honestly, they're not well trained. Decisions are being made at the audit level that trickle all the way through to appeals and to the tax courts. When something's not handled well at the audit level, the trickle-up effect happens.
I could give you a lot of examples. I have a situation right now that should be a simple matter. Something was purchased before a certain date, and the auditor thinks the act says it had to be purchased after a certain date. It's clearly not correct. It's really simple when you read the act. It's a mistake. The proposal right now is to assess my client as having $6 million of capital gains because they sold a smaller property they were working out of and moved into a newer one. The act allows you to defer the tax when you do that. Because of this misreading of the act and saying that the new place had to be purchased after a certain date, my client now has to deal with appeals to try to get that reversed.
What concerns me is not just that the auditor misunderstood something relatively simple in the act but the fact that the supervisor signed off on that audit as well. I think that's a function of workload. I'm not judging anyone, but the training of auditors, to me, is much more important now than hiring more auditors.
I gave you that example. I think that hiring people without training them defeats or undermines the objective of why we are hiring them. I'm all in favour of enforcing more compliance for people who aren't in compliance with our tax rules, so don't get me wrong on that front. I think that using the auditors better, training them, would get us a better result, recovery-wise and cost efficiency-wise, than just hiring more people.
Second, I'm hopeful that the government will continue on its path to making the system easier to navigate and manage for people with disabilities—physical disabilities and mental infirmities. I was appointed inaugural co-chair of the first disability advisory committee back in 2005. That was a committee that reported to the minister of revenue, just as the current disability advisory committee does. At that time John McCallum was the minister of revenue. That committee was created in a budget. I remember reading the budget, as a tax practitioner, and it said it proposed to create this committee to advise the minister on ways to better administer the disability tax credit. I applied based on that and got the position. It was a very productive year, before the committee was cancelled when the government changed.
We have had luck in having the committee reinstated recently. My concern, though, is why. We shouldn't need the committee to exist anymore. I was appointed in 2005, so that's 15 years ago, and we still have the need for a committee to help advise the government on how to administer the disability tax credit.
I think it's time to consider a new role for the disability tax credit or perhaps a new model. It's very complicated, the way it's worded. It's a very old system, and so are some of the medical expenses. I'll give you some examples. I think a look at the overall treatment of disability tax measures and medical expenses in general is really overdue.
We have, for example, in the medical expense section, limits on how much you can claim in certain circumstances for full-time attendants. The limit was set in 1997, $10,000. We're now in 2020 and that limit hasn't changed. In over two decades that $10,000 number that was set back in 1997 dollars hasn't changed, and people looking after or paying for full-time attendants to look after their loved ones have a very restrictive amount they can claim in certain circumstances. It's time to relook at that. That's just one example.
Another one is that a number of years ago people with celiac disease lobbied—I'll use the term—the government because the cost of gluten-free food was much more expensive than the cost of regular food. The act was amended to include a provision that said for people with celiac disease the incremental cost to purchase gluten-free food is a medical expense. I think that was great at the time. More people are affected now by gluten problems than just people with celiac disease, but that provision hasn't been amended.
I don't deal specifically in disability-related matters, but I do tax planning with people. I had a client whose father couldn't swallow food properly. He had been rendered quadriplegic in a car accident. All of his food had to be pureed, but not in a blender at home. It had to go out, actually, to a food processing facility. It was very expensive. There's nothing in the act that allows something like that. They're quite common now, swallowing disorders. For people with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, that's a common symptom. There's nothing in the act that addresses that.
I'm just trying to give you a flavour. There's a whole area in our act that really needs to be revamped and brought up to date, and maybe even relooked at in a different context. That's what my third comment is.
I think—no, I know—it's time for the government to commit to convening a multidisciplinary, comprehensive, bipartisan panel to look at a comprehensive review of our tax system. I know there's not an appetite for it. It's something that has been falling on deaf ears. It's really important.
I'll give you two analogies here. I think of our tax act over the years; it's like a pair of socks. Holes have popped up here and there, and we've darned them, sewn them, closed them shut, but now we have this tattered pair of socks that we really can't walk around in.
To give you a better example, in 1972 Canada had the best hockey team in the world. We all remember the Canada-Russia series in 1972. That was also when our tax act was last overhauled.