Good evening, Mr. Chair, ladies and gentlemen.
I am very pleased to be appearing before you today on behalf of the members of the Quebec aerospace cluster. We are very grateful for this invitation.
Aéro Montréal, which was created in 2006, is a strategic forum for cooperation among all chief executives from the industry, educational institutions, research centres, associations and unions who are involved in the Quebec aerospace sector. Aéro Montréal's mission is to mobilize sectoral players and to improve the competitiveness of Quebec's aerospace ecosystem.
As you know, the aerospace industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Since last March, when the borders were shut down, the vast majority of the global air fleet has been grounded as a result of the decline in air traffic. Thousands of workers in the sector are now unemployed, aircraft deliveries have been postponed or even cancelled, and hundreds of Canadian businesses are struggling to survive.
However, our industry is developing measures that would allow the public to fly safely once again and governments to contemplate reopening borders, as many other countries are doing.
We have created the alliance for aerospace recovery, a strategic committee under Aéro Montréal's direction that, in recent months, has helped to develop a specific action plan that is readily applicable and suited to the industry's needs. The government, however, needs to take a position on it quickly because every day counts. We have already observed a nearly 60% reduction in airlines' new aircraft requirements and do not anticipate a return to previous production levels until 2024-2025. Some are even saying 2027. The situation is therefore highly uncertain.
The global aerospace industry hit unprecedented heights before the crisis. To meet demand, many airlines took on debt so they could continue expanding at pre-crisis growth rates, but their operations have since declined by as much as 50%. Many SMEs now have cash flow problems as a result of those investments and of the extension of repayment terms by nearly all decision-makers in recent months because they too are struggling to survive the crisis.
Businesses have also encountered longer waiting times for export permits, and that has limited access to certain markets. The situation is hurting our industry as more than 90% of our manufacturing businesses export 80% of what they produce.
As a result of the tenuous situation in which our members find themselves, financial partners and major banks are increasingly reluctant to finance aerospace sector businesses given the current risk. It is therefore all the more important that action be taken to address their circumstances. The government must absolutely step in where the banks have stepped away.
Our sector alone generates total revenues of $34 billion and contributes up to $28 billion to the country's GDP every year. It employs 235,000 Canadians across the country and represents hundreds of SMEs and large businesses.
We invest more than $1 billion in research and development every year, thus contributing more than one quarter of total manufacturing R&D in Canada.
We see other countries supporting their strategic sectors because they know that exports of high-tech products will create jobs and wealth. A handful of nations that have an aerospace industry have done the cost-benefit analysis and are adopting dynamic industrial policies to ensure the industry's growth, far more so than Canada is currently doing.
As you are no doubt aware, innovation is key, all around the world.
Our country has the operational and technological assets and the skilled talent to position itself in a green recovery. The industry is prepared to work on innovative solutions, electric and hybrid propulsion for all types of devices and, more generally, ecomobility in aviation. However, it will definitely need the government as a strategic partner in order to stay in the race with other nations.
It is essential that we invest now, as the government recently did in Ontario's automotive sector, to halt our industry's international decline. Deciding not to support the aerospace industry will not preserve our economy. On the contrary, that choice will take us out of the race.
By contributing to efforts to develop the aerospace industry and positioning itself as a strategic partner, the Canadian government will create value and stimulate the economy. It will support an industry that will help our country continue to distinguish itself and to shine on the global stage. The facts are clear: support for our industry is a profitable investment for Canada.
Mr. Chair, ladies and gentlemen, I will now be pleased to answer your questions.
Thank you.