I will call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 20 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.
Pursuant to the committee's motion adopted on Friday, February 5, 2021, the committee is meeting to study all aspects of COVID-19 spending and programs. That should be a short issue, you would think.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of January 25, 2021, and therefore, members are attending in person in the room and remotely using the Zoom application. The proceedings will be made available via the House of Commons website. The website, as we all know, will only show the person who is speaking.
I have to indicate again, because I understand there have been some problems in the past, that people should not take screenshots or take photos of their screens. It's the same rules as in Parliament.
We have 12 witnesses today, but before I get to them we have a couple of motions that we need to adopt. We missed, when we were dealing with Bill C-224, giving the independents the opportunity to provide amendments so I'll read the motion we require and if somebody wants to move it, we'll move ahead.
That, in relation to Orders of Reference from the House respecting Bills,
a) the clerk of the committee shall, upon the committee receiving such an Order of Reference, write to each member who is not a member of a caucus represented on the committee to invite those members to file with the clerk of the committee, in both official languages, any amendments to the Bill which is the subject of the said Order which they would suggest that the committee consider;
b) suggested amendments filed, pursuant to paragraph (a), at least 48 hours prior of the start of clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill to which the amendments relate shall be deemed to be proposed during the said consideration, provided that the committee may, by motion, vary this deadline in respect of a given Bill, and
c) during the clause-by-clause consideration of a Bill, the Chair shall allow a member who filed suggested amendments, pursuant to paragraph (a), an opportunity to make brief representations in support of them.
That's the motion.
Does somebody want to move that? It is so moved by Mr. Ste-Marie.
(Motion agreed to)
Thank you.
The second motion we need to deal with is a budget to deal with the study of Bill C-224. Gabriel is not a very expensive guy, because we're only asking for $1,275 for this study. Does somebody want to move that budget? It is so moved by Ms. Dzerowicz.
(Motion agreed to)
We'll move on to witnesses. I believe everyone has the witness list before them.
From the Canada Revenue Agency we have Mr. Vermaeten, assistant commissioner, who has been here many times; and Mr. Gallivan, assistant commissioner. From the Department of Employment and Social Development, we have Elisha Ram, who is associate assistant deputy minister; Mr. Groen, senior assistant deputy minister; Mr. Perlman, chief financial officer and senior assistant deputy minister; and Atiq Rahman, acting assistant deputy minister, learning branch. From the Department of Finance, we have Tushara Williams, associate assistant deputy minister; Galen Countryman, director general; Evelyn Dancey, associate assistant deputy minister; Soren Halverson, associate assistant deputy minister; Alison McDermott, associate assistant deputy minister; and Mr. Jovanovic, associate assistant deputy minister.
I don't know if there are any opening presentations. You'll have to let me know.
Ms. McDermott.