That's a really interesting question. I also will take a step back to when you were asking Mr. Tremblay about other policy areas we were considering. Just to have that on the record, we're looking at public finance generally, and that actually does coordinate quite well.
As for observations about monetary policy and surtax policy writ large, she gave you an example of the non-taxation of capital gains at REITs levels. There is a big subsidy there, a big incentive for REITs and other big companies to make investments through the housing system, and they're incentivized to do so in Canada. Monetary policy right now is making it very inexpensive for people to borrow. It's a great way for people to think about getting into the market and then, once they are, hoping that they'll get a good return on investment as well. We were looking at those broad ranges of things.
In the case of Generation Squeeze, we have published on tax policy issues in the past. We are not a group that recommends a tax on capital gains on housing for a range of reasons that I'm happy to go into with you in more detail, but we do encourage a focus on a bit of a tax shift. How might we focus on the 9% or 10% of homes that are valued above $1 million in Canada? How could we ask those homeowners—which include me, by the way, in the burbs of metro Vancouver—to contribute more in order to reduce taxes on renters and other low- and middle-income earners or to invest in other important programs?