Not only is it not imputing false motive: I'm imputing the actual motive.
Ms. Goodridge didn't have the benefit of being here for the last several meetings. She's new to the committee, so I understand why she wouldn't know this, but I've sat at this committee and heard the Conservatives speak repeatedly about why they want to call Mark Carney. From Mr. Hallan to any other person on this side....
I shouldn't say that. There are some of my colleagues who have not said that, but I've heard Mr. Hallan repeatedly go on at length about Mr. Carney and how he's going to be the next Liberal leader and using that as a reason to want to call him here for committee. They've said it. It's on the record. Check the Hansard. That's not imputing false motive. I'm reciting back the motive that's been stated.
Even if he didn't, why would we be holding up the budget?
Let's assume the Conservatives didn't say what they said and that they want Mr. Carney here only because they're interested in his economic ideas. Why would they be holding up the budget? Why would they be filibustering the scheduling of the BIA because they want a particular citizen to come here and testify on the budget? There are thousands of people who can come to testify on the budget.
It's obvious. Let's not be disingenuous here: The Conservatives want Mr. Carney here because they want to politically attack him. That is not an appropriate use of a witness. In my opinion, it's not an appropriate reason to hold up a budget implementation act and it's not an appropriate reason to delay giving relief to Canadians who are suffering, whom the Conservatives claim to care about, but their actions belie it.