Thank you for the question, Mr. Ste-Marie.
Regional development is indeed one of our priorities and we have focused on the challenges in infrastructure. Actually, we believe that it is where the federal government has a greater role.
The federal government is directly responsible for VIA Rail's high frequency rail project, which is of prime importance. For us, it is critical. In terms of green economic development, it is a wonderful project. Businesspeople in Quebec City, Trois‑Rivières, Montreal, and all the communities along the route are asking for it.
We are very pleased that announcements about the project were made in the last budget. However, we know full well that those announcements cover only a part of the project, basically the studies. Accepting that we are only involved in prebudget consultations, we would like the entire project to be in the budget. If it were, as soon as VIA Rail is ready to start work on the project, having funds available will not be a problem.
We know that the project will require major investment. At the moment, we are involved in a process that is strictly about federal budgets. So it is really important to make it clear that money will not be a problem, that it is being set aside now, and that the project will be proceeding along the best possible route. We have to avoid having to go to battle once more in a few years, in order to have funds set aside in the budget. The project is really important for Quebec's economy.
We also addressed the issue of regional airports. As we know, there is less demand in regional airports. Public health measures mean fewer trips. That makes this exactly the right time to invest, to modernize and to innovate, so that we are ready to respond when the economy has fully recovered. In terms of passenger traffic, we are thinking specifically about workers and businesspeople in the regions who have to travel to Quebec City, to Montreal, or to other places in North America. The infrastructure they need has to be in place.
In addition, there are a good number of requests in terms of the model for air transportation. Support for airports is an item in the federal budget and one that really needs a push. Finally, of course, there is funding for public transit projects. It is important to keep that funding in place and to provide as much of it as possible, so that cities and communities that want to undertake projects have access to the funding.