Thank you. I would like the opportunity to speak, Mr. Chair.
Once again, we see the Conservative motion on capital gains being interrupted by the Conservatives. It's unfortunate because there are several Conservatives, as well as other witnesses, here to provide interesting testimony.
Mr. Chair, given that a member of this committee, Mr. Davies, has requested time to review the motion—the motion is quite detailed—I would suggest that we hold a committee meeting to discuss committee business. In that meeting, we can talk about all of the motions that are before us and see where the committee would like to go for the remainder of the fall session.
Given that there are several other studies that have been proposed, that have been on the books for quite some time and that, I think, members would like to get to, and considering that we've already studied several Conservative motions at the finance committee, I would suggest that we proceed in that way.
With respect to the motion that is currently on the floor of your meeting, Mr. Chair, I move to adjourn debate.
(Motion agreed to: yeas 6; nays 5)