Yes, absolutely.
In some of the conversations that we've been having with a lot of the ministries and policy directors of the targeted ministries of this campaign, we want to look at the shortcomings of existing programs and how to expand them, but, in essence, really it's the program that we envision.
The only existing program that's like it that exists inside of the government is the military. If you think about a national paid job training program that's turning no one away right now, that is the military, which tells young people that, if they want in, then there is a space for them.
That's really how we are positioning the youth climate corps, but as one that focuses on climate adaptation and mitigation work because we see the threat that our generation faces.
In terms of Newfoundland specifically, I think what you said is exactly right. All of the issues that we're facing as youth, youth in the Atlantic region are facing them triply as hard whether that's leaving their provinces to find work or just general skyrocketing rents with wages just not lining up. It's going to take a whole-of-government approach to create this model and program, and, yes, really looking at the military as one possible option of what this grand undertaking could look like, which turns no one away.