Yes, we welcome this measure. It is something we had asked for, including in the brief we sent you.
We think Canada absolutely has to align our policy with what is happening south of the border. If we don't, we will end up at odds with our American partners, as we have seen in the case of electric vehicles, and that can cause all sorts of problems.
We also invite you to consider the whole question of human rights and working conditions in China. In fact, that is also covered in our brief. The question doesn't come down to imposing a surtax; we also have to consider where these products are coming from. On that point, we invite you to take another look at the brief we sent you. We think there are grounds to go further, but the most important thing is to align our policy with the surtaxes that are being put in place in the United States, to make sure we are not put at a disadvantage.