Sure. First of all, just to clarify, with regard to the suspicious transactions we saw and any reference to a criminal organization, there were no criminal organizations actually applying for the benefits. There were some criminals who appeared organized, according to the reporting entities and those that report to us, which means there may have been one or two who appeared to be working together. We didn't actually see organized criminal groups that were doing this, just to clarify that.
Typically, there are a couple of things. One is that many criminals, if they're involved in trying to take advantage of a benefit program like CERB, unfortunately are also taking advantage of many other things. These unscrupulous people are often involved in human trafficking or drug trafficking or any other kind of criminality. In many cases the CERB benefits were referenced in the narrative section, or section G, of an STR, which simply said that the person, over and above other suspicions, also received x number of CERB payments over the course of x number of weeks or months. That was in cases where CERB was referenced in an STR but wasn't necessarily the focal point or the focus of the STR.
In other cases, I guess probably the most typical one you would see is one person who has a bank account and is receiving multiple CERB payments going into his or her bank account under different names, and then that money would be quickly disbursed either through money transfers to someone else or to themselves in another institution, or the money would be taken out almost immediately through cash withdrawals at ATMs, for example. What tended to be the primary indicator was that CERB benefits were going into a single bank account although the benefits themselves were being provided under different names, which would suggest that there were some stolen IDs involved here. Someone would steal other IDs, other credentials from other people, or create fictitious names with fictitious credentials in order to receive the benefits directly into their bank account. Then they would remove that money from the bank account as quickly as they could.