Thank you.
Minister, I'd like to ask you a question on the luxury tax. You are familiar, I'm sure, with the law of unintended consequences, and many in the boat business, many in the aircraft business and many in the car business are saying that the law of unintended consequences is going to catch up to you on this luxury tax. It is a complicated tax. It's a tax on not only boats. It's a tax on not just aircraft. It's also on improvements made after the fact to those products.
So my question is this. There are serious fears that this is going to undermine the competitiveness of those industries. There are serious concerns that the timing and implementation of this tax are going to mean that contracts are going to be lost because many of these products are custom-made to a purchaser's specific requirements, and they are now starting to cancel contracts because the tax has been applied after the fact, after these contracts have actually been finalized.
Has Finance Canada done an assessment of the economic impacts this tax will have on the boat, car and aircraft manufacturing sectors in Canada, and if so, what did those assessments show?