I think what you frame out is obviously what we need in all jurisdictions. Beneficiaries, customers and clients need to know, when they buy a service and when they invest in an activity, that they're doing it credibly.
I think the financial markets that have been in development.... It was 500 years ago when there was a monk in Italy who sat in a cave and drew up essentially what became the accounting profession. It took 500 years, and we still have to admit every so often that they get it wrong.
I think the world of sustainability, climate and ESG is much younger, and it certainly doesn't have it right today. I think it's done a lot of work. It needs to have a lot of improvements, and I think, as we heard earlier from MP Chatel, there are a lot of competing frameworks.
I think that having the ISSB and, as I understand in Canada, the CSSB to implement...is an important way to merge together frameworks. The important thing is that when someone provides financing, whether it's a bank or an investor, they should start to be able to disclose what that financing is used for and what the impacts of that financing are on emissions and otherwise.
Once they get a better grasp on that, they disclose that to the markets, and we have market functionality. As long as the markets are credible, then the information gets to the investors, to the decision-makers and to the clients so they know essentially what they're investing in or what they're buying. It's not that different in the financial markets from textiles, to all aspects of.... Consumers want to know what they're buying. When you buy a can of soup, you want to know what's in the soup, so you need the ingredient levels.
They are still being perfected. They are not perfect, but we are seeing a large influx of effort to try to work that out. There will be some misses, and there will be some of this notion of greenwashing, but overall, done right with a good, proper oversight from market regulators, we believe that there's good potential that the financial sector be a large part of driving this needed solution.