Thank you very much, dear Chair and committee members.
I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to share observations on sustainable finance policy and regulation globally and to help inform the study under way in Canada.
Please note that my remarks are made on a voluntary basis in my individual capacity and should not be understood to be a waiver of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations.
Canada has expressed its commitment to transition to a carbon-neutral economy and society. The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act is foundational for further policy action, and I want to congratulate the Canadian government on this important step.
Equally, I welcome Canada's recognition that the private sector, particularly the finance industry, has a key role to play in achieving the overall net-zero policy agenda. The establishment in 2018 of the Canadian expert panel on sustainable finance and in 2021 of the sustainable finance action council, the SFAC, are important steps in this regard.
Many financial institutions, including leading banks, insurers and investors in Canada, have already begun integrating sustainability considerations into their operations. For example, their identifying sustainability is a key priority within their business strategy, and they reflect this in their governance and compensation policies. They establish systems to analyze the climate-related risks and impact of their financing, and they have begun making sustainability disclosures. Most of this is done on a voluntary basis, at least so far.
Now, we believe, is the time, really, to step up action to implement conducive and effective regulatory framework conditions to drive Canada's transition to a more sustainable economy and society. When we think of effective financial regulation, we think of needing as little as possible but as much as is necessary.
The private sector needs room to innovate, but I believe that voluntary leadership from industry and regulatory action from government really need to work hand in hand. Each needs to signal the other towards market uptake and towards learning and ever-increasing ambition and innovation. There are a number of trends and developments in sustainable finance policy globally that countries can look to in driving this ambition.
First, mandatory corporate sustainability disclosure frameworks are being implemented across many jurisdictions, with increased attention to covering not only the short-term risks of environmental and social externalities on business value, but also the impact of the business on people and the planet. Significant negative impacts on society eventually become material risks to the business itself, and they need to be properly understood, managed and disclosed.
Second, central banks and supervisors are issuing supervisory expectations for how financial institutions should manage and disclose climate and broader environmental risks. Many are carrying out exploratory scenario analyses and climate-risk stress tests. Some are grappling with their wider role in encouraging the overall transition of the real economy.
Beyond the focus on climate, I do observe increased regulatory attention to supply chains—for example, due diligence requirements around human rights and child labour practice.
Also, of course, an increasing number of classification systems and taxonomies are being developed across many jurisdictions.
In line with these trends, I want to end by sharing some thoughts on what regulatory action might be conducive to driving Canada's sustainability transition forward. Canada has begun to put in place some of the foundational regulatory elements in support of becoming a leader in sustainable finance. I believe that these early initiatives should now be duly executed and expanded.
First of all, mandatory sustainability disclosure is needed across the economy. I highly welcome the ambition and direction of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions' recent guideline on climate risk management for financial institutions. At the same time, I encourage regulators to expand such requirements also to the broader economy and to non-financial corporates as this is the only way to ensure a sound transparency across the economy. My understanding is that the Canadian Securities Administrators, CSA, is actively considering such disclosure obligations, and I highly encourage rules to be adopted as soon as possible, in line with international best practice, such as the framework developed under the International Sustainability Standards Board, the ISSB. Over time, companies should be required to set clear climate targets and to publicly disclose their transition plans.
Second, we need to broaden regulatory action beyond climate. It would be an important step to step up regulatory consideration of the risk and stability implications of broader environmental risks, such as biodiversity loss, soil erosion, pollution and other factors. I really encourage Canada—as host where the landmark Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework was adopted at the end of last year—to become a front-runner in this space.
Third is the taxonomy on how to enable the transition.
Canada is a resource-rich economy, and the ability of its sectors to attract the capital needed to transition to sustainable business models will be key. Canada's transition taxonomy, helping corporates and financial institutions identify sustainable economic activities, will be crucial.
I welcome the taxonomy technical expert group's recent road map report and highly recommend prioritizing the finalization of the taxonomy in close collaboration with industry. Building on this taxonomy, I commend the 2030 emissions reduction plan announced last year to develop sector-by-sector pathways for Canada to reach its emissions reduction targets.
The last point is, underpinning all of this, Canada should continue to actively engage in relevant international fora, working toward the alignment of sustainability measures and for the improved interoperability of frameworks.
Thank you for your attention.