I'm happy to continue.
At the end of the day, all we're asking is for the minister to come to the committee to answer some questions about her budget. The budget is the major legislative initiative of this government.
As I've said many times already in this committee, what I find unfortunate about the budget implementation bill is that most of it isn't really about the budget at all. There's something like 50 different pieces of legislation. Many of them have nothing at all to do with budgeting. The document itself is well over 400 pages long.
To deal with the fact that...the government is essentially admitting that the budget implementation bill has little to do with the budget, because in its motion it wants to refer massive portions of the budget off to various committees that are not the finance committee. I don't blame all the people who are watching us right now and wondering why it is we're talking about a subamendment to an amendment to a motion on reviewing the budget implementation bill that in and of itself refers the vast majority of the budget implementation bill off to committees that have nothing to do with budgeting.
For example, the motion calls for part 3, division 2, and part 4, divisions 21, 22, 23 and 24 to go to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. That's not a committee I associate with reviewing the finance minister's budget in the time that I've been here. The motion goes on to say that with regard to part 4 divisions 13, 14, 15, 35 and 38...those are going to go to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
I'm sure many of these are important initiatives, but I really don't understand what they're doing in a budget bill. It seems to me that this is circumventing the ability of Parliament to properly scrutinize major legislative initiatives that should be tabled, introduced and debated, and go through the proper readings and committee stages that any bill would go through. Instead, in order to fast-track or, essentially, short-circuit the process, members of the government decided they're going to throw these in here.
We learned a valuable lesson about this practice just a few years ago, Mr. Chair, when in a very similar bill, there was a seemingly innocuous provision. It was an amendment to the Criminal Code that would allow the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to grant something that had not been available to that point in Canadian law before. It was something called a prosecution deferral agreement. At the time, the committee was kept in the dark. I think some committee members, even including Liberal members, raised concern about that provision at the time.
Why is this here? Why are we doing this? Why are we giving this additional power?
The government of the day, which is the current government we have now, didn't tell the committee. It's possible some committee members knew the actual intent. I don't know. I'm not going to assume that. I can't get into their minds and know what they knew or what they were thinking. The fact of the matter is that the provision was put there intentionally, so pardon me for being a bit suspicious, Mr. Chair, when I see a budget bill that has literally dozens and dozens of provisions that have nothing to do with the budget.
I can go on. Here's another one, regarding part 4, divisions 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the bill. Those are being referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.
I can go on and on and on, Mr. Chair. I have grave concerns about the lack of accountability.
All we're asking for with this massive, 400-page document is that the finance minister appear for two hours. She hasn't been here since November. It's not a lot to ask. I think Canadians expect it. If the committee members don't want to listen to the will of this committee, then listen to the will of Canadians, who would like to hear from the finance minister of this country...to answer questions about her budget. That's the impasse we have here, right now.
I could go on and on. I'm going to ask the clerk to recycle me back on the list. I will give up the floor to the next speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.