Those are both important points to consider.
The first one is streamlining the application procedure and making sure people can get here quickly. Even with the best of intentions to harmonize express-entry programs across provinces, we hear our members say they have a promising candidate but, through delays in the system, just aren't able to hire the candidate and bring them aboard on time. Whether that can be automated in some sense, or whether it can be expanded so that certain credentials are more easily recognized and, therefore, appropriate candidates are identified earlier in the process, that is one strong possibility for which we would advocate.
The other thing we need to do, more broadly, is to house these people who are coming in. It's all well and good to bring as many foreign, talented workers as we can, but they need a place to live. They need a place to grow their families. If I ran a restaurant and I typically staffed six people, were I to staff it with 100 people, I wouldn't be that much more productive, frankly. There is just a bottleneck there.
In the Canadian economy, one of the main bottlenecks is the high cost of housing. Again, it is something that we hear from our members: that they have candidates who would like to come from abroad to work here but are just absolutely daunted by the price of a home in Canada.