Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I'd like to welcome all the witnesses, who are most interesting.
As you can see, we work long hours, and sometimes things can get a little heated. However, I find the questions interesting.
My questions will be for Mr. Brock and Mr. Robertson. However, first I have a comment for Mr. Hannah and Ms. Mason.
I recognize that Canada's banking and financial system is one of the most stable in the world, and I salute that. However, I'm very critical of Bay Street banks, particularly with regard to the assets and activities they report in tax havens. If we want a fair and reliable ecosystem, we need stability, predictability and justice. To my mind, bringing in retroactive legislation against court rulings is worthy of a banana republic. Your views have been heard, and I hope the committee will be able to take your suggestions into account. On that I do agree with you. Thank you.
Now, Mr. Brock and Mr. Robertson, thank you for being here and for your testimony. You raise a lot of concerns.
I want to tell the committee that I'm really not a fan of cryptocurrency. It's not very attractive to me. However, as I said to Mr. Hannah and Ms. Mason, I am in favour of a fair tax system and stability. As you've clearly demonstrated, what we have in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada are companies with big servers, big computational abilities and high-speed fibre-optic Internet access. I know a bit about that ecosystem. What do these companies do? They sell their computational abilities to the highest bidder. I studied economics. One of my former professors worked with companies in Boston, where he could often rent computational abilities. The same goes for the pharmaceutical sector.
Bill C‑47 is telling companies in this sector that when they sell their services to foreign mining companies, we'll treat them differently than companies in all other sectors of the economy. Under the rules, we'll let them deduct taxes, but other companies will no longer be able to deduct them. I have a problem with that.
The second problem relates to the point you raised about companies that create good jobs and bring in expertise. We have some in Quebec. Quebec businesses benefit from the cold weather and hydroelectricity, and therefore from green energy. So if Bill C‑47 passes as is, for those businesses, the integrated sales tax will be 15%, whereas in Alberta, where hydrocarbons produce electricity, it will be 5%. Since it will be cheaper in Alberta, future activities will shift to that province. That's economy 101.
I would like to hear your comments on that.
What can the committee do to resolve the situation and even out the playing field again?