As I understand it, there was an arrangement with respect to the issue of royalties to be paid on the gravel that was removed. As a purely financial matter, those did flow to Cheam because they were part of a larger accommodation arrangement. But in terms of the operational issues, in terms of doing the engineering, building the causeway, doing the digging, doing the timing, Cheam really did have nothing to do with those things.
In fairness to everyone, the thing you have to understand is that the province is feeling very driven around the issue of flood protection. When Cheam says they're just not going to do it, the province says it's not going to leave Chilliwack submerged, so it wants someone to go in there.
I think it's fair to say that these arrangements get worked out more or less on the fly, but that's what happened. It's unfortunate that Cheam got plastered with that, but the reality is that if Cheam had had its way, it wouldn't have happened.