Can I answer the question? You've had the floor for quite a while, and I'm trying to address your question.
You're my mother's MP. I know you've made some allegations about footage. She's the one who has to deal with me when I come back from the ice floes, and she's not very happy about those statements.
We film without editing. Of course there will be times, if the sealers move out of the area, when you will shut off your camera and walk over to the next area where they're working and begin filming again. Because it is legal evidence, the footage we give to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is raw uncut footage. It shows violations. It shows faces. It shows the boats these people are from.
Over the past several years, I've been involved in submitting hundreds of those apparent violations. To date, not a single charge has been laid. I am hopeful this will result in a charge. I am very hopeful. I am working very closely with DFO to get charges laid. They've identified the people involved, they are moving forward, and I hope it will result in a charge. But for every clip of a video like this, we have hours and weeks and months of footage you could look at if you want to come to my office. Any time. I will sit down with you and go through it. We have nothing to hide.
When we go to the seal hunt, we land in our helicopters in the middle of the ice floes. We walk to where the sealers are operating, and we film. We film openly. There is no editing. There is no changing of the images.
You mentioned doctored footage or interfering with images. The only organization I've ever heard of that was involved with something like that was the CBC, in 1964. That's not an animal protection group; that's a news agency. There is no animal protection organization that has ever been involved in faking, doctoring, or staging any footage of the commercial seal hunt. We're an animal protection group.