Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Minister, if we were at the cinema, we could say that my comments are take three. In fact, this is the third time that I am raising this issue with you. I am referring to the coast guard station at Havre-Saint-Pierre on the North Shore. I would not want DFO to save money to the detriment of the safety of fishermen. Safety at sea should be a priority for Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
I will give you an idea of what is happening on the North Shore. There is a coast guard station at Havre-Saint-Pierre. During the winter time, the fishermen and crabbers store their boats in dry dock at Sept-Îles. They launch their boats on the 1st of April in Sept-Îles and sail to their marina or to their wharf at Havre-Saint-Pierre. Given that the crab fishery starts on the 5th of April, choosing the 1st of April is appropriate. It is perfectly logical that the boats would be prepared four days before. The distance between Sept-Îles and Havre-Saint-Pierre is 250 km. In the beginning, the fishing permits and allocations were issued for the 5th of April. But once again, this year, the coast guard did not begin operations until April 19th.
During your last appearance before the committee, I provided you with the example of a municipality that opened its public swimming pool to children for the summer season on June 24th but did not hire any lifeguards until the 15th of July. You will agree with me that that makes no sense. And yet, that is what is happening to the fishermen on the North Shore. The problem should be settled, and we were very hopeful that in fact that would happen. We exchanged a great deal of correspondence with your department and your office. And yet the municipalities, the fishermen, the associations, the area stakeholders, some 20 of whom support me on this issue, are constantly asking you why this year, yet again, the coast guard started up their operations almost three weeks after the beginning of the fishery.
Mr. Minister, can we hope that in 2008, the Havre-Saint-Pierre coast guard station, whose role is to watch over the maritime safety of navigators and boaters, will have sufficient funding in order to be effective and ready to function from April 1st to December 1st, that is to say for the peak period? I would like you to reassure me by guaranteeing me that that will be the case.