Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair, I have been at these tables many times in the past, but this is the first time I've been at this end of the table, not the other end. I hope that some of my transgressions with earlier witnesses are not going to be visited on me today.
So that being said and done, I would very much like to thank the committee for allowing our groups to appear today to address them, and to request their assistance on an urgent basis on some issues that are affecting the fisheries on all coasts of Canada.
I wear two hats here today: one is as the executive director of the Canadian Sablefish Association, and I'll speak to that in a moment. The other is as sort of the coordinator of the Canadian Fisheries Working Group.
The Canadian Fisheries Working Group is an ad hoc group of fishermen's organizations from across Canada—both coasts—who have come together over concern about the implications of a lack of policy by the federal government after the Larocque decision of June 23 of last year.
With me today, representing some of those interests, is Robert Haché from the Acadian Crab Association, as well as Phil Eidsvik from the Area E Salmon Gillnetters Association, and Geoff Gould from the Area A Crab Association in British Columbia. I also am very pleased to have somebody I work closely with who will be making her own presentation, and that is Christina Burridge. She will be speaking more about her group in a few moments.
The reason we're here, members of the committee and Mr. Chair, is that something important and maybe momentous happened on June 23 of last year. Over the year, there's been a long-standing and expansive process by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to try to augment its budgets through the use of fish; that is, using an allocation of fish to pay for departmental activity. That practice has always been highly controversial, and I was actually a member of the government that probably started that practice many years ago.
We were cutting budgets and trying to eliminate deficits, so we started to reduce budgets in areas like fisheries management and fisheries science. We tried to find a way, without getting it directly from the A-base budget, to fund these necessary activities. So we turned to fish. Although in the beginning it was a small amount of fish to pay for a small amount of science that could not be covered, over the years it has gradually grown to significant dollars in fisheries, in most of the fisheries across Canada.
Indeed, the department has become quite adept at turning fish into money, which raises a number of concerns that I don't think we should be addressing here today. However, one concern relates to whether or not the practice is in accordance with the Financial Administration Act or is properly reported to Parliament. But most important for today is the Larocque decision, which clearly said that the use of the allocation of fish to cover departmental expenditures was outside of the jurisdiction of the minister. The question is whether the minister continued to do it after that court decision.
Most importantly, once the June 23 decision came down and clearly indicated that the department could no longer use an allocation of fish to pay for things like science and management, there was stunning silence from the department. We didn't hear anything from the department other than that it was business as usual. We knew from the court decision that it would be illegal from that point on to use an allocation of fish to pay for departmental activities. We also knew that it was illegal to coerce or to cajole fisheries organizations to have them use the fish, turn it into cash, and then give it to the government to be used to augment resources.
So most of our fishing organizations tried to get some policy from the government. We asked the department at the time, “What do we do? We need in-service surveys. We need surveys for stock assessment so that we can have a sustainable economic yield in our fisheries. What are you going to do?”
From June until today, the department has been silent. The department has told us it's business as usual. We have joint project agreements, which are important for the co-management of the fishery, some of which—as is the case in my fishery in sablefish—have expired. I sat down with the department and I said, “What do we do? We don't know who has to pay for what. Are you going to pay for the science?” And the department once again said, “We don't have a policy.” Well, the policy has started to come together, and it's a policy that is fraught with chaos, difficulty, and trepidation for those of us who have to live with it.
What we do know from the government, from the department, is that they've done an assessment, and they say that the value of quota, which had been used to pay for things like science and some management in the department, is probably at around $28 million or $30 million annually. My sector alone paid over $2 million last year, $1 million of which was an allocation of our quota to pay for science—which we believe is the proper responsibility of the Government of Canada.
We know that the government itself, the department, says it's about $30 million, but the appropriation in the budget, the number that comes up in the budget, is less than $11 million. That means that only one-third of the science, which was being done at a base level last year, pre-Larocque, will be able to be done with an appropriation from Parliament. This means that two-thirds of the base science that the department had determined in the past was required—the minimum required to economically and sustainably manage these fisheries—will be paid for.
That leaves a giant, gaping hole. It means that the department is going to have to pick who wins and who loses, without any framework of how you allocate that very diminished resource.
Will it be done by who's got the prettiest fish? Will it be done by who's got the best relationship with the DFO official? Will it be done based on need? Or will it be done with a degree of equity, parity, and transparency?
We've asked these questions. Stunning silence has been the response.
We're here today to speak to you—and we're really pleased that you've seen us—about the value of science, about the importance of Parliament appropriating the proper amount of money so that the fiduciary and legal responsibility of the government is fulfilled in managing this public resource. We are appealing to you to go back to your colleagues in Parliament, to the department and to Treasury Board, and to try to influence cabinet to give a full appropriation from Parliament to cover the value of the quota that had been used in previous years to cover things like science and management.
We are telling you that in the absence of a full appropriation, there will be chaos somewhere. I don't know where. I don't know which fleet. I don't know if it's going to be on the east coast or the west coast. But I do know something will suffer.
We're being told by DFO that they can't do it now, so if we want to do it, go ahead. Sablefish is an example. We do a yearly survey. That yearly survey works for us to try to assess the health of the stock and it tells us what our TAC can be. The department comes back and says this to us: We can no longer fund that by quota; and by the way, we really think we need to do this only once every three years; and by the way, if we only do it every three years, what you're going to get is a very conservative estimate of the size of the biomass; and by the way, that means a lower TAC.
A lower TAC means less money to fishermen, fishing communities, processors, and other people who work in the fishery, but it also means tens of millions of dollars less for the Government of Canada in foregone tax revenue. At every level we need this addressed. If you don't like the fact that we need an expenditure, you need to look at the return for the government and the people of Canada that a vibrant fishery on all coasts will bring.
We're here today to tell you our stories. We're here today to tell you that what we need is support from this committee for a full appropriation from Parliament. It's probably going to be anywhere from $20 million to $30 million to cover that in this year while the department effectively gets its act together and comes up with a policy and a process to deal with the fisheries on all coasts of Canada; to determine what is an appropriate level of science and who should fund it; and to come up with a framework that is transparent and fair, that has parity as its centrepiece.
That is why we're here, and I want to thank you for allowing us to come here.
We'll be splitting our time at the table, Mr. Chairman, with a few other people.
I'd like to turn it over to Christina Burridge now so that she can introduce her group and give her comments.