Maybe we don't need to dwell too long on that. I just wanted to raise the issue.
I would also say there was an issue with this company with regard to malachite green not long ago, which the department and the CFIA got involved in. This company does not use malachite green, and we talked briefly after the last meeting with Wendy Watson-Wright about this issue on the way out.
There are very big concerns that some of the very ideologically driven extremists in the environmental movement had actually been seen diving in the vicinity of the net. The problem we had in that period was that we had zero tolerance for malachite green, which is found in the environment in small amounts, and we had no idea what these people might have released in trace amounts into the environment prior to those samples being taken. I'm glad, with that particular man, that there was a lawsuit, and it was settled in favour of the company.
I just want it put on the record that there are some very serious challenges in trying to manage this. I'm glad the department was able to work out with CFIA and with Health Canada involvement a reasonable level of tolerance to avoid these problems in the future.
Having said that, I'll go in another direction, and it's about science. I'd like to ask a few specific questions about the main estimates.
On the science budget I'm trying to reconcile the two different presentations we have here. There seems to be a difference in the amounts. This particular panel here is an overview of the 2007-2008 main estimates, and then we have another series of decks, the overview; this one says April 2007.
The numbers aren't quite the same. The overall budget for the department, I think, is $1.5386 billion, or $1,500 million; the other one says $1,596 million, so obviously there's a change in the budget there somehow, and it reflects in the science numbers as well.
Maybe we can just start with explaining on the science portions we see broken down there. I see “Science--SFA” at $191 million on page 7 of this second set of tiles that were provided to us, dated April 2007. Could you explain what “Science--SFA” is, what “Science--HAPAE” is, and what “Science--SAW” is, just briefly? I think the two departments.... The only ones worse than DFO for acronyms are DND and--what's the other one for acronyms? There's another one that's really bad too. Could you help us out?