We had the harbour authority people here a few months ago. One of their major problems--and all parties can take credit for this--is that there's not enough money in the small craft harbours budget for them to do what needs to be done. They, and I'm sure everybody here, are concerned. And it didn't just happen today. But a lot more money is needed in the small craft harbours budget for these people to be able to do their job. No doubt you've heard a lot of this.
What kind of money is required to put what you have authority for in certain areas? You have three different regions represented here. So how much money is needed to put these wharves in reasonable shape?
The problem I think we have with the wharves is that we're always playing catch-up. We're always putting up barricades. And you talk about estimating what it's going to cost for the year. You can't estimate storms, though I know this emergency funding can be put in place, but things happen that you can't account for.
I'd like you to comment on that. We're always playing catch-up. What needs to happen? You have a good view of the whole situation. What needs to happen, and what dollars are required to put these wharves in decent shape so we could be maintaining wharves in reasonable shape instead of taking down barricades?