I've been trying to jump in on a couple of them.
Yes, some trips are turned down. Usually, though, it's a question of us having planned it out. We know what the meetings are going to be in the year, we know where we think we have to play, and where we think we'll get the biggest bang for the buck. It's that kind of thing, but from time to time....
I go through it very seriously. I assure you completely that I go through it very seriously. I have my own thing. It's not quite my mother, but I have my own little focus group. I look at whether there are cheaper ways. Do we need everybody to go? Can fewer people go? Can we combine meetings? I have a number of things I go through. In fact, Lori's group has actually developed a little thing because they were so concerned about my questions around the types of travel. They just knew I would be asking the questions, so they do that.
Absolutely, we do have a budget. We plan out what it is. We look at getting the best value. There are things where we're required to book through; there's a contract that Treasury Board has that we have to book. From time to time, we know that you can get a cheaper rate and we will challenge them on it, but there are certain restrictions around these guidelines and policies that we do have to follow through Treasury Board.
So absolutely, personally and professionally, I do my best to ensure that we are getting the biggest bang for the dollar.