Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I want to acknowledge that Mr. John Sutcliffe, from the Professional Fish Harvesters, is here as well.
John, thank you for that.
Ed, Ruth, and Earle, thank you very much for coming. I'm sorry I had to step out earlier.
When we did our lobster tour, we were in southwest Nova Scotia and asked the question about buy-back or fleet rationalization. They were fairly unanimous there in saying they weren't interested in it. If you have the largest lobster fishing effort down there saying no to this one particular program of fleet rationalization, yet in Newfoundland, Gaspésie, New Brunswick, P.EI., and other parts of Nova Scotia they are saying it's something they would do, I can understand the government being a bit hesitant about trying to have a “one size fits all” type of arrangement for that particular issue.
Where there could be commonality, I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, is with the access to EI, as you mentioned before, as well as with the top-up—the $200 that Ruth talked about—and also, with trying to get the price up. If they had been getting six dollars a pound for their lobsters, a lot of these problems would have been dissipated. The problem, of course, is selling those lobsters. You said yourself, Earle, that people aren't buying. I asked a lot of people on the Hill and back home when the last time was that they had bought a lobster. They said, “Last year, when the guy in the truck came up in the parking lot and sold it off the back of it.”
Can you give examples of how many fishermen you know of who are selling lobsters off the backs of trucks now, basically for survival?
With southwest Nova Scotia not wanting to be part of a so-called buy-back or rationalization program, what advice would you give to the government or to us that we can then give to the minister along the lines that if you're going to do P.E.I., then do it here? How do we do that together and move it very quickly?