No, he asked me.
Well, the problem is that where we need rationalization is in areas where there's not enough lobster to sustain the effort in the fishery. If those gears go out, their licence is destroyed, and it'll have to close down LFAs. You're not going to take 20 fishing fleets or gears out of a certain LFA and then open it up so some other port can bring in more gear. It's going to have to be worked out around the island, where you don't allow gears to be transferred into LFAs that were hurting already, because you're wasting your time. So once those gears come out of the water, the licence is destroyed, they no longer exist, and it'll leave fewer gears in that certain LFA.
If a young fellow wants to get into the fishery, that's a viable gear he can buy, then, if he wants, with the ones that are left. That's fine. That's not an issue. He can take it from an older fisherman. It makes it worthwhile for that young fellow to want to get in, because there's less stress on the fishery there. He should catch more product and be able to pay for his gear and his licence.
It's not that the concept looks like we're trying to put new fellows into a fishery that can't exist anyway. That's not the point. We want to get so many gears out of the water. If a young fellow wants to come in and he's looking to buy a gear, he's not going to buy one of those that are not viable. It's impossible to do, so he's not going to buy it. He's not going to be looking for that.