Mr. Chair, I thank Mr. Harris for his question. As he said, we do go back a long way, and Jack has always handled himself very well.
Certainly, the concerns he raises are very valid ones. My answer is that we have come a long way.
Again, you refer to the experts. I'm not sure if you were here at the time when I mentioned this, but we can list experts comparable to those you had before you, experts who are much more experienced in today's NAFO and international negotiations, and more highly placed, in some cases, than some of those experts ever were, and who will tell you the exact opposite: that we should ratify the agreement.
The reason we should is that we have made so much progress, especially in the surveillance and enforcement end of it. As for our involvement in this from the very beginning, and Newfoundland's concern, the fellow today in Renews, my hometown, is not overly concerned about the word “convention” and all these fancy legal terms that we might kick around, but he is concerned with what's happening to our stocks and what we're doing to preserve them for us for generations to come. We have made major progress there. Also, the countries involved have been acting as if this convention has been agreed to.
In relation to the other rules, I see nothing there. I know you're a lawyer yourself, but in fact I've seen testimony from very experienced lawyers and very experienced people in the fishery. They're saying they see nothing negative, but a whole lot of positives. So my answer would be that when we get this far.... And it wasn't easy. If anybody thinks it was easy to get this far, I wish they would relive that couple of years we went through at the NAFO proceedings. You can talk to some of your friends. They can tell you what it was like on the ground. So no, it would be dangerous not to solidify what we have. But go ahead and work on it.
You talk about custodial management. Look, I come from Newfoundland. I come from a fishing community. I grew up in a fishing boat. I know what it means. I have always said that. Nobody can ever point a finger at me and say that I did anything that in any way hurt the fishery. But I can tell you that they can look at a lot of things that happened because we were there to help the fishery, and a lot of them were major things, as you know.
Let me just read a statement from Trevor Taylor, a former minister of fisheries, following an advisory panel on this that was set up by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The panel involved another eminent person, Dr. Art May. It says, “The panel concluded that a custodial management approach to straddling stocks is not possible without advances in international law, but that a new Regional Fisheries Management Organization would be more easily attainable and could achieve the same goals and objectives.”
There's that clause: “without advances in international law”. Now, you didn't say that you could get custodial management without changes. I think you recognize that and I agree with you. Would I like to see Newfoundland have more say? Would I like to see Canada have more say? The answer is yes, of course, but we live in the real world, too, and we're dealing with other countries that belong to NAFO, other countries that have rights and duties. They have historic rights to fish. They have shares out there, etc., and they make up this organization of ours.
In the meantime, in relation to the changes we went after in relation to proper surveillance, proper punishments for those who are caught, bringing them back to port, etc., we got that. That was the move. That's the major move. I believe the changes we went after here protect our fishing grounds, protect our stocks, and give us a chance to work with others.
But these were done in a couple of years, Jack. We've been negotiating this for only a couple of years, and to bring any international organization that far in such a short time.... As for all of these people who were complaining to you here, all of them were at the helm for years and years and years and didn't make any advancement with any of this stuff. So if we can make that kind of move now....
What does it take to strengthen Canada's involvement? Canada basically is responsible for the surveillance and the enforcement on the nose and tail, as I mentioned, because these are our boats and our inspectors who do the work and who follow up on it. So basically, the other countries will say, “You know, Canada is the guy who's making sure we live by the rules.”
I was told that by the owners of the companies--the people who own boats like the Brites and the Santa Mafalda. I asked to meet with them when I was in Portugal. I wanted to meet with the bad guys, as we used to call them--the guys who own the boats. They recognized this and said, “Look, we got away with whatever we could, but you guys did too.” What could we say? We weren't the holiest people around in those days either.