What I would see happening...and this is before we come to the speaking order.
I know Mr. MacAulay is going to get wound up when I say this, but that's okay.
At the end of the day, this is how I would see this playing out. The first round would start with the official opposition, the NDP, for seven minutes. It would come back to the Conservatives for a seven-minute round. It would go to Mr. MacAulay and the Liberals for a seven-minute round. Then it would come back to the Conservatives for a seven-minute round. That would be round one.
Round two would start with the NDP again, as the official opposition--these would all be five-minute rounds--and it would go NDP, Conservative, NDP, Conservative, NDP, Conservative until we got to the last two slots; we could go Conservative, Liberal, if we get to then, but I could put in a Liberal slot before the last Conservative slot as well.
So I would see it going back and forth between the opposition and the government until all members have been exhausted. And hopefully that would happen.
Well, “exhausted” might not be a good word: “expired”.