I call the meeting to order.
I apologize for my tardiness. I was at a photo op trying to encourage people to vote for the Bay of Fundy as one the seven wonders of nature and it ran a little late. I apologize.
Hopefully you all have gone online and voted. If not, you still have lots of time to do that at votemyfundy.com. This is a public meeting, so I figured I had better get that out there.
The notice of the meeting is to take into consideration the subcommittee report. I believe you all have a copy of the report in front of you. Your subcommittee undertook to ask the analyst to provide a work plan for our study on aquaculture. I don't know if you want to take a couple of minutes...or you've had a couple of minutes already to take a look at that.
Are there any questions or comments?
Mr. MacAulay.