Again, It all comes back down to growth. Because of the agreement we'll see some shifting of markets because then the EU starts to look really attractive. For example, the majority of our product goes to the U.S. and Canada. North America is our major market, there's no question, because we can ship fresh product in a short period of time and that gives us that competitive advantage towards, for example, Chile.
However, no business wants to put all their eggs in one basket, so many of them are in other markets, Asia, Europe, there's some product even going to Australia, Russia, and Brazil. You'll see that there will be a shifting more to the EU because of CETA, that it just starts to look more favourable. But it still is sort of shifting rather than actually increasing growth and being able to really capitalize on that in a significant way. You'll see a bit of a shifting of the deck chairs but to actually really see the significant impact we would need to grow the industry.