It's your wish.
The status is that we agree entirely with the Commissioner of Official Languages. We have said publicly that we would delay this transfer until such time as we are totally confident that the Halifax staff can offer totally bilingual service.
To put this into concrete terms, when the Commissioner of Official Languages sent an investigator into the Halifax station, what they noticed is that we have three stations, or three desks. There were three officers working at the same time, one of whom was totally fluently bilingual, to use our jargon. That person was talking at a verbal C level, which is fluent—I am a C level, for example—and totally able to handle any situation in the other official language rather than the mother tongue. One was fully bilingual; one was at level B; one was English only.
The conclusion that the investigator drew from that visit and an interview with all staff was that if there is a situation where the JRCC, the joint rescue coordination centre in Halifax speaks to one shift in French, there's no problem. That is covered. There is no issue.
However, they found out through speaking with people, both in Quebec City and Halifax, there are situations where you could have to speak to two different shifts at the same time, so therefore, we should have two desks. We agreed, and therefore we delayed until such time as we have completed the training of the oral competency of the operators to level C. We are now in the phase of training a number of people to achieve that level of competency.
I don't know exactly where we are today, but we're not there yet. We're talking of at least three to four more months to go. We would have to go back to the region to have the latest assessment of their training. But we are training people to have two fluently bilingual desks at once, out of the three.