We have signed up. It's a CBD, which is a convention on biological diversity. That established, internationally, objectives for all countries that signed up to try to get to 10% protection by 2020. Race Rocks, Hecate Strait are moving forward. When it comes to MPAs—small m, small p, small a—there are our formal MPAs, but also on the west coast, marine parks like Gwaii Haanas count toward that MPA list, and the work that Environment Canada is doing on Scott Islands just off Vancouver Island. There's a number of them that actually count toward MPAs.
There's been 15, I think, done federally at this point; eight of them are DFO MPAs; four of them, I think, are marine parks, and the others are established by Environment Canada's wildlife preserves. We are seeking to do more.
There are some areas where we've set aside large areas of fisheries. We've had fishery closures for 20, 30, 40 years, in some areas. We think those should effectively count toward areas we're protecting. We're seeking to do that as well.
With all of that, we're still concerned about being able to get to that 10%. It's still an aspirational objective. There is an attempt to have an overall plan.
The final thing I'd mention is that MPA networks are sort of the next big thing. Working with the Province of B.C. in particular, but also first nations and others, who are also working on protecting areas in ensuring that you have all the players at the table: DFO, Parks Canada, Environment Canada, the province, others.... We're looking at what's being protected now, what the gaps are, and who should be moving forward in the next area of protection. That's kind of the next big step, but also moving forward with Race Rocks, Hecate Strait, etc.