Yes, I'm aware there was supposed to be a spring fishery for the first nations, but the licence didn't arrive until the middle of summer, after the fish had left.
I'm really surprised as well that the issue of seals wasn't brought up in the minister's letter. Recommendation 13 was unanimously supported by this committee to reduce the number of seals. I'd like to refer to a newspaper article in The Globe and Mail regarding a study that Peter Olesiuk of your department did. It talked about how three dozen seals killed 10,000 adult chum salmon in the fall spawning run. Granted, this was in B.C. In terms of fry, they can take up to 60 to 70 chum fry per minute.
In terms of Atlantic salmon, for example, a study in Scotland found that taking a single seal out of a river in Scotland increased the sport salmon catch by 17%, yet there was nothing mentioned about a seal harvest in the minister's letter. The department is running away from an increased seal harvest, in spite of the fact that most of the reports of the fisheries committees that I've been on—and I've been on them since 2010—have strongly and unanimously recommended an increased seal harvest.
Why are you so adamant in your opposition to an increased seal harvest when the data are there to prove that will work?