If you were in Prince Rupert, you'd notice that the DFO building has echoes and things like that. They have folks working out of Nanaimo. I think they're understaffed along the entire coast—and probably in all of Canada.
The science that is out there is from the 1970s. DFO did stuff in the seventies, and they haven't done anything significant, at least in the published stuff that's out there. This is the thing about proponents. We do these studies but there is no set of requirements, that “You will do it this way”. There are four or five LNG companies alone in the Rupert and Kitimat area doing studies. The DFO government just has to say, “This is what we want and this is the way it's collected.” But all of a sudden you have five different companies spending $10 million each per year. That's a lot of data. I see no reason that governments shouldn't be asking for data in a certain manner. It goes into a common database, and there's your research.