I think you could apply a suite of tools in that circumstance.
As you know, we've already taken a number of measures when it comes to whales. Certainly this is one you could do.
A big reason for wanting the interim protection is we now know from 20 years' experience that it takes around seven years to do a full MPA, because we have to do the economic analysis and the consultations. It's so very important to do all that. Some groups, ourselves included, have said that we can't wait that long and that we should at least provide some interim protection quickly by ministerial order while we're going through the broader consultation and the economic analysis, etc.
In other words, if there's something we know needs protection in the short term, let's give ourselves the tool to provide at least interim protection so that nothing else happens while we're working these things out. It is one such tool, but there are many other tools under the Fisheries Act, and under other legislation, to be able to do that. The Species at Risk Act, as well, has an emergency protection order as a possibility. This does provide one additional tool for short-term protection.