Good afternoon, everyone.
I would also like to offer my condolences on the loss of one of your colleagues.
I will speak in French.
It's strange because the last time you went to Shippagan, I was speaking in English. I have to come to Ottawa to speak in French.
First of all, thank you for giving us the opportunity to appear before you a second time in a few months. Even though shrimp fishing began in March and snow crab fishing began last Sunday, you'll understand that I wasn't able to bring it here for sampling, like we did during your quick visit to our offices last fall. The message is quite simple: come back and you can enjoy it again.
Let's get into it and talk about Bill C-68.
After first reading, we find this very interesting. We are delighted with the initiative taken by the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard to clarify and strengthen several aspects of the Fisheries Act.
In visiting the Parliament Buildings, we can see the fishing profession represented in the frescoes decorating the ceiling, beside the logging and hunting-trapping professions. As the old saying goes, when we want to know where we're going, we need to look at where we're from.
To see what is happening today in the fishery sector, there is no doubt that this collective memory has been obliterated for a long time in people's minds, and even more so, in our opinion, in the government's mind.
The federation of fish harvesters that I am representing here today doesn't have a legal advisor or a specialist in the drafting of acts and regulations. As a result, the comments I'm going to make have nothing to do with legalese. They are much more about the reality of fishing in the 21st century and its relationship with the Canadian state.
While fish harvesters used to have an almost heroic image, environmentalists and the media have made the fish harvester a virtual destroyer of the environment who is harming the sustainability of the planet. It isn't surprising that the officials concerned often try, by all possible means, to control, if not counter, fishing activities.
Let's get to the heart of the matter. We have been fishing in Canada since the arrival of Christopher Columbus and Jacques Cartier. There is no doubt that we have a thorough knowledge of fish and fish habitat. However, this is ignored in the proposed section 2.5. There is talk of “community knowledge”, but it's so vague that it doesn't really mean anything. For ages, fish harvesters and their associations have been saying to anyone who will listen that nobody listens to them, and section 2.5 is proof of this: we have been totally excluded.
The government is missing a great opportunity to make space at the table for the people who have been in the profession for generations. In short, it's as if we're being told, “take care of fishing, while the government runs your business.”
We recognize the government's role and its competence, but it is fairly strange not to give a voice to fish harvesters who are living off the sea and its resources. If anyone should be concerned, you will agree with me that it's the beneficiary user.
This brings us to the advisory committees referred to in the new section 4.01. The beginning of this section talks about the remuneration of the members of these committees. It's unfortunate that it isn't retroactive, because I would have a pension plan that would allow me to retire immediately. Again, it's very vague. What is being referred to? It's hard to say. Let's hope that this isn't a pretext for bringing in all kinds of supposed experts in this or that, who will come from all over to tell us that they hold the truth and that we should apply “their” solution. Do we want to pay the current members of the many advisory committees now? For what purpose? Why? This needs to be clarified.
Beyond the issue of remuneration, we want to share our frustrations with these famous committees.
For starters, there is little or no transparency at all; some proceed with reports, others don't; it's impossible to know what is communicated to the minister; and so on. Therefore, the minister decides everything. Yes, the legislation gives the minister a lot of powers and functions, and we believe that this very dictatorial approach needs to be modernized. In our opinion, the role, composition, functioning and power of these committees must be reviewed. This power must be decentralized, the industry must be given more responsibility, and a simpler administrative framework must be created, which is more in line with the various types of fishing.
Currently, management is done by species, and a different resource becomes the enemy of the other. The sea is not built in compartments, but we have specialized fisheries. This model just doesn't work anymore. In order to maximize our resources and avoid the waste that is happening right now, we need to change the way we operate. Since we don't have a national forum, we speak in a vacuum, and most importantly, we don't talk to anyone.
Yes, the new legislation talks about protecting fish and avoiding killing them, but where is maximizing the benefits discussed?
I will now turn to sections 8 and 11 of the act, which deal with fees and charges. The last time the Fisheries Act was revised, which was done under the previous government, we ended up with a lot of new expenses that were added to the existing licence fees. These included fees for dockside weighing, for sea observers, for science and for at-sea monitoring, which was imposed. This is what people call black boxes or VMS systems, all at the expense of the fish harvester.
As a result, in the case of the crab and shrimp fisheries, the Government of Canada is, in many cases, the second or third expense, after a fish harvester's wages and fuel.
Is this normal? Let's ask the question. For us, we believe that this isn't normal and that, moreover, it is an unfair system. For information purposes, the cost of licences for shrimpers is $66 per metric tonne and $137.50 for crabbers, which for this year represents an average of $35,000 for one and $13,000 for the other. A lobster licence costs $100. In addition, in most other fisheries, fees listed earlier don't have to be paid out. That's the reality.
The department wants to impose electronic logbooks starting in 2019. At the moment, we are shopping with the fish harvester's credit card, and then submit the invoice, without the fish harvester's being able to say anything. It seems to me that this act already has a lot of power in the sector. To use the expression “the devil is in the details”, let's hope that the new legislation makes it possible to balance out the situation. We would like to see a more just model for all, based on income rather than arbitrary factors that have nothing to do with the economic reality of a particular fishery.
I'll move on now to owner-operators. We applaud the new provisions of the legislation that seek to protect our way of life and therefore prevent all kinds of individuals and businesses from appropriating the privileges granted to fish harvesters who wish to earn an honest living and who allow our coastal communities to remain vibrant. There is a positive aspect to this case: we are the victims of our success. This is proof that our fishing businesses are prosperous. That's new. Our life used to be one of poverty, subsistence and misery, but we were able to get rid of the big foreign companies that exploited our fish harvesters. That said, vultures are always on the lookout for easy prey. Many law firms are constantly working to find loopholes in the system.
In addition, we must tackle the issue of succession. The question is delicate, and for the moment, the new legislation doesn't really address this difficulty.
With families being smaller, the transfer between parents and their children is less and less possible, and it becomes even more complicated in the situation where fish harvesters would like to be able to share between their children, rather than favour one at the expense of the others.
We submitted to the department a concept of family-type or professional-type company, but its representatives told us that it was difficult and complicated to set up. This isn't easy, but recognizing this power the minister has for issuing permits would allow for proper succession and the end of speculation by stakeholders who are not involved in the fishery and who want to circumvent the law in order to outright rob coastal communities of wealth that belongs to them.
Thank you for listening. I would have been happy to answer your questions, but I understand the situation.