That's a great question, Mr. Mazier. Mr. Haskell actually referenced this as well.
Last summer we had the worst sockeye return in the Fraser River's history. We had 293,000 fish show up. We normally have 10 million. That's a 97% decline. It was so bad that the scientists in DFO recommended that we not run the test fishery.
With regard to those fish that were headed up towards Mr. Haskell, there was an illegal fishery on the mid-Fraser last year where over 10,000 of those fish were caught and killed. In that fishery as well, there were four steelhead from endangered interior Fraser steelhead that were caught and kept. We have not only one endangered run that's being imperilled; we have two. The number of Chilcotin fish this year will be 80 fish, so we potentially caught 5% of them in a matter of weeks in an illegal fishery. Tens of thousands of fish disappear on the Fraser every single year due to a lack of investment in enforcement. When we get down to stocks that have 50 or 80 or two fish, it's very easy to drive them to extinction.
The investment there is definitely in collaboration and education, and it's also in enforcement. Try as hard as they might, there are simply not enough folks in enforcement to do their job. I would say that supporting them and increasing enforcement on the river, and also building round table processes where everyone can see themselves in protecting fish would be highly valuable for the Fraser River.