Thanks for the question, Mr. Bragdon. I'll add that I was also a municipal city councillor, so I have all three to look at there.
Yes, in terms of the Discovery Islands decision, the premier was very loud, and you heard about his concern for workers right away. I think that if there had been a package that came with the announcement of cancelling those licences, you would not have heard the concern from the province. Our concern is for those workers and for their communities. We have certainly heard from the mayors of those impacted communities as well.
I think that's one of the things that needs to be considered in this transition and as we go forward with the fallout of what has happened with the DI decision. That is why I think that there is a willingness for the province, for us, to work closely with the federal government as we move forward, because, as many of the witnesses have said, it is a series of cumulative impacts that are affecting wild salmon. We need to address all of those as much as we can with our management decisions in order to give salmon a fighting chance.
There's one thing that I would add, and I think others have asked this question: What more could be done? I think it's looking at our decisions in government through a watershed lens or a salmon lens. Once we do that, it will start to become much easier to see what the solutions are. Unfortunately, addressing the issues will still be complicated, because we've left it to this point, but using a salmon lens, certainly in the province, will start to help with those decisions.
I've heard from aquaculture industry representatives who say that absolutely they are focused as well at maintaining wild salmon and the wild salmon economy. There is an absolute interest in all of us getting this right and working together.