We are also going to use science. My objective is to make a responsible decision. As I said earlier, personally, I am not going to be more Catholic than the Pope. If we need to get a bit more information and have exploratory fisheries, I am open to that. We are going to look at what is being done in the United States and consider how to do things properly.
I want to let everyone around the table know my primary objective. The challenges associated with climate change and what is currently happening in the gulf call for everyone to work together to become architects of the fisheries of the future. We have to know how to give the next generation access to fishing licences. We have to reassess the Fisheries Act, and I congratulate the committee for its work on that subject. It is work that is important for all our communities. As I said, it is in the interests of our children, our grandchildren, and, I hope, our great-grandchildren.