A lot of work has been done with indigenous communities so that they can take the lead on initiatives related to the seal economy. For me, it's not just about slaughtering seals. It's also about processing seals and creating added value.
In the fisheries sector, I think it will be important to use artificial intelligence and the Mer numérique AI tool. We need to be able to get more evidence and predict what's happening underwater. That's being developed right now.
The Fonds des pêches du Québec is very much appreciated in the sector. We're working on improving it so that it uses all the latest technologies, enables development and brings us even more scientific data.
We were talking earlier about quotas and bycatch. We must have all the tools at our disposal to ensure sound management of the harvest. As I mentioned, fish feed on fish. If we want to sustain the fisheries of the future, we have to let the species feed. We need an environmentally responsible harvest.