That's why it's important to me to consult and meet with the associations. Fishers knew there was a moratorium on the mackerel fishery in Canada, but mackerel was still being fished on the U.S. side, so they couldn't understand.
It's important to listen so we get it right. Fishers told us that they were seeing schools of mackerel. They see what's going on, hence the importance of focusing more on a bait fishery. It's not worth it to fishers to go further to catch mackerel when they only get $1.79 a pound. We know that bait is important for lobster and crab pots, so we enable fishers to work better.
There's also the whole issue of affordability. When bait costs more, the price of the product goes up, and fewer consumers can afford it.
We are working with the community. I can tell you that the associations are actually pleased with the decision that was made.