Certainly, the department undertook a number of concrete actions related to that report and those recommendations.
I can say that in the case of the process that was undertaken since last fall, flowing from the framework assessment that occurred in the fall, which indicated that the northern cod stock may be in the cautious zone, the department quickly held a special advisory committee meeting to begin the discussions that would help inform the potential reopening of this fishery.
Following the CSAS advice in the winter, a subsequent advisory committee meeting was held, where the full suite of the science advice that was available was presented, and broad and open discussions were held, as I mentioned, with the FFAW, with inshore harvesting interests, with the offshore sector, with environmental groups and with the province, in order to well inform this decision.
As I noted, in the minister's announcement in June, related to the reopening of this fishery, she did lay out the basis for her decision that led to the decision that she took.