Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen of the committee, thank you for inviting me today to speak to you on the issue of derelict vessels. This is actually my second time addressing the committee. I was here maybe five or six years ago. Since since the last time I was here, much has changed in our community.
First, however, I want to share about the impacts of having these vessels in our community. Almost three decades ago, the federal government of the day was divesting itself of federal wharfs. In the town of Bridgewater, the federal wharf was given to a society called the Artificial Reef Society. The purpose of this group was—self-explanatory in its name—to create artificial reefs in the Atlantic Ocean. Ironically, something you cannot do. It assumed control of the wharf, and shortly thereafter the problems began.
For those not familiar with the town of Bridgewater, we are a town of 9,000 people. We are the economic centre of the south shore of Nova Scotia. Our beautiful town is divided by a tidal river, the LaHave, which leads directly to the Atlantic.
In 1998, the society decided to acquire the HMCS Fraser, the St. Laurent-class destroyer that served in the Royal Canadian Navy and was declared surplus. The plan was to convert this ship to a floating museum, yet it had no funding secured to do so.
I want to note that I'm not aware if there is currently a policy that would prevent the acquisition of surplus vessels, especially from the military, by organizations, like it was done for the Fraser. Had there been one that set out rules for such acquisitions, such as ensuring funding was even in place for any proposed future use beyond scrap, our story would be much different.
While the Fraser and its proud history sat rotting at our wharf, the society then welcomed the HMCS Cormorant, a Royal Canadian Navy diving support vessel, to the wharf in 2000. To this day, the ownership of that vessel is still in dispute, but what cannot be disputed is the fact that it was the society that allowed it to dock in our town.
This is another ship with an incredible history, and for the record, it was part of the 1994 expedition to recover the ship's bell from the SS Edmund Fitzgerald in Lake Superior. However, like the Fraser, it sat rotting, eventually listing, sinking, being raised and listing again for 21 years until it was finally removed in 2021.
The Fraser was bought back by the Canadian Forces in 2009 from the Artificial Reef Society for a dollar and taken away to Sheet Harbour for scrap at a cost of potentially millions.
Over the years, the wharf changed ownership from the Artificial Reef Society to the actual chair of the society itself, and nobody knows how that happened. For over 20 years, a number of fishing trawlers were then docked at the wharf, again, to rot like all the others.
The impact on our community was threefold. First, the risk to the environment was always heightened. This was a daily fear across our entire community. These vessels were in constant danger of breach and were known to still contain fuels, oils and lubricants. Remember, this is a tidal river, so any spills would impact dozens of kilometres of river and shoreline, all with homes, parks and community uses. The others were the impact it had on local property values and the community's morale.
While the excitement of the arrival of the Fraser quickly wore off, it was clear there was no viable plan to do anything with the ship. As more and more ships arrived and were simply left there without any purpose or plan, our flagship community park, which was directly across from these ships, was always in the shadow of decay. The homes in the area that faced these ships had depressed valuations, and the wharf itself, left rotting behind the vessels—something we didn't even know until the Cormorant was removed—could never be redeveloped or used for its intended purpose.
The impact these vessels have, regardless of the community they're in, goes beyond just the vessels themselves. It's obviously the space they take up and the environmental risk I mentioned, but I don't want to discount the impact it has on a community itself, knowing it essentially has no tools or ability to get rid of these vessels without the support or lead of a federal organization or the Coast Guard itself.
There is some good news, finally, for our story. Last year, the wharf was sold to new owners, and just a few months ago—less than two months, in fact—the three trawlers that were remaining were dismantled on site. Now we no longer have any vessels at our wharf. The new owner, apparently, has some new exciting plans for the community. I haven't seen those, but I've been told that the community will be very happy.
I cannot express how happy our people are to no longer have to look at these vessels or worry about the chemicals coming out of them and into the water. There are new rules in place that should prevent this from happening here and elsewhere, but I cannot stress enough just how damaging, or impactful, it can be to have any kind of watercraft left to rot.
I thank you for your time today. Of course, I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.