Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I somewhat agree with Mr. Kelloway. It would be good to have the minister appear on the estimates and to hear what is being done. To counter the idea that it's the Conservatives who are stalling, it's the Liberals who have been ordered by the majority of members of Parliament to produce documents. They have not done so. Thus, it is the Liberals who are actually stalling the government process.
I would like to make an amendment to the motion at the end so that it reads, “the committee invite Minister Lebouthillier to testify on the supplementary estimates (B) for a minimum of one hour by no later than December 4”.
I say that because of the uncertain calendar that we're always faced with as we move into December. The current supply period could be deemed as December 17. That would be the final sitting day for this committee. I'm unsure whether we would actually be coming back for it simply on Monday and Tuesday in mid-December, and also with the week prior to that being questionable. That's why I proposed December 4.
The motion would read, “That the committee invite Minister Lebouthillier to testify on the supplementary estimates (B) for a minimum of one hour....” Actually, I'll make it that the minister appear “for two hours by no later than December 4, 2024”.