Thank you, Chair, and thank you to the committee.
Good day. My name is Darren Porter. I'm a commercial fisher representing the Fundy United Federation, a group of commercial fishers for multispecies. I am recognized for my work in collaborative science initiatives, as a consultant to tidal power, Mi'kmaq and commercial fisheries. I work over 300 days a year in the marine environment. I bring a deep understanding of the waters.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this committee. It is important to note that much of this review has involved input from lobbyists representing industries other than fishing, many seeking unrestrained access to the ocean resources.
I have a few important things I want to highlight today. The first and most important is that the purpose of the act must be updated to ensure the protection of the fisheries, not just the management and control of the fisheries.
Second, we want “the fisheries” to be added to the factors that the minister “shall” consider, specifically within the subsection 34.1(1) factors. The current reference to fisheries “productivity” among the factors that the minister shall consider is insufficient on its own to protect the fishers who may be negatively affected.
We want the bias removed from how the Fisheries Act is applied and enforced. It is my understanding that there have been only a handful of habitat convictions made under the act across Canada over the last decade. Where habitat-related convictions are almost non-existent, activities other than fishing essentially have the equivalent of impunity. A couple of examples of the lack of enforcement in the area I represent include tidal barriers on the Halfway River and at the Avon River causeway. Many of these unenforced activities have major negative conservation impacts. In contrast, commercial fishers are regularly convicted and treated as criminals for minor clerical errors, when their mistakes have no conservation impacts at all.
We request consistent and clear enforcement tools for habitat provisions, which can likely be achieved only if a dedicated group of conservation and protection officers are assigned to focus solely on fish and fish habitat provisions under the Fisheries Act.
The charge review process needs to be unbiased at all levels, from conservation officers to PPSC. The minister should be prohibited from interfering with the enforcement of the Fisheries Act.
The treatment of commercial fishers by DFO fisheries management should be investigated. The commercial fishery should be treated the same as all other clients of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. A good place to start is the recent discriminatory rollout of the new management of the elver fishery in the Maritimes region.
The growing misuse or abuse of safety is emerging as a means to bypass protections for fish and fish habitat under the Fisheries Act. This needs to be addressed. One suggestion would be to establish a tool to challenge and review these situations as they arise to ensure that they are truly an emergency.
The death of fish from activities other than fishing is not currently being enforced, and neither is the duty to notify on the death of fish. We are adamant against changing the death of fish provisions from the current definition to the threshold of population-level effects that “works, undertakings and activities” by groups other than fishing are requesting. These groups have continued to enjoy impunity at the expense of our fishery for a very long time. Most are completely unauthorized, such as in my province with Nova Scotia Power.
We do not want “climate change” explicitly written into the factors the minister shall consider. The minister already has discretion for that under the factors. An important phrase to remember, especially in our area, with the Fundy FORCE and the problems between us and the fishery, is this: Just because it’s green doesn’t mean it’s blue. Not all green energy projects are equal when it comes to their impacts on fish and fish habitat. Ultimately, their effects are all deferred to the fisheries. The push to create a “pass” for the energy industry to allow them to circumvent fish and fish habitat protections has gone far past the legislative “path” that these industries already have been provided.
Further, commercial fisheries appear to be Ottawa's new sacrifice to keep the public, including rights holders and the international community, distracted while new investable industries are beginning to lease the ocean with zero effective protections in place to manage their negative effects on fish and fish habitat. The cumulative impacts of other industries disproportionately burden commercial, rights-based, recreational fisheries and the communities that depend on us, undermining the intent of this legislation.
The biggest issue with the Fisheries Act today is not the failure of the law itself but the inconsistency in its application and enforcement. I urge you to prioritize consistent, equitable enforcement of the Fisheries Act to protect our fisheries, uphold treaty rights and ensure the long-term sustainability of our marine ecosystems and coastal communities.
Thank you.