Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We are back to my motion that I presented last Tuesday. I think you've had a chance to see it.
I've explained it a bit. It's a study that was adopted in the last Parliament by all members of this committee to study the right whales measures that were put in place by our government in 2017 to protect the right whales that are increasingly present in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and have an impact on the fishing industry, the communities and the fish plant workers. We had to deal with that.
The measures that were put in place were good. They do a lot of things. Yes, they protect the whales, but they also protect our market in the United States. You know how difficult that is sometimes.
This is a study that I want to do to make sure that we are on the proper track and that what has been done so far with these measures strikes a good balance between protecting the whales and protecting the industry we have and the communities all around it. This does not only affect my area; it touches some parts of Nova Scotia, P.E.I. and Quebec. We were lucky that in the last two years there were almost zero deaths in relation to fishing gear and the entanglement of whales, but there were some strikes involving big boats that transport our goods from one place to another.
I want to look at those measures to see if there is a way to improve them. Is there something else the government and all the fishermen's associations can do? There has been unbelievable work. We have some testing being done right now on some traps without ropes. They press a button, the trap goes up and there are no ropes in the water. It's things like that. Sometimes it's difficult for fishermen to fish with that gear, and there are all sorts of other measures that were put in place. I want to study that. I want to see what more we can do.
This is what my motion is. It's something that will be impossible to do right now, this spring, because the fishing season is starting pretty soon, as you know. When we come back in the fall will be the time to do that. The crab fishing season is over then. It also has bit of an impact on lobster. With global warming and the oceans warming up, whales can be present in other places, so it would be a good study to have. It will benefit everybody on the screen.
I hope that I have your support for that study. If you have any questions, I am open to answering them.