I'll try to answer that for you, Madame Desbiens.
On Thursday, of course, we're starting Mr. Hardie's study on the effects of the flooding on infrastructure, salmon and whatnot. We're having the officials in, so we don't need to have a witness list for that right now. According to Mr. Hardie, it's to talk to the officials. It will give us time for questioning and whatnot for what he wants to do on Thursday with his study.
For the dissenting opinions around the three reports that we're going to readopt in the House, they wanted to know a deadline. I understood from everybody here in the room that we're readopting studies that were previously done and naturally, if there were any dissenting reports on those, they would have been done when they were done the first time. If anybody wanted to add a dissenting report to it, we would set a deadline. Nobody seemed to have one, so we said we'd make it four o'clock or 5:30 tomorrow just to deal with that piece of information that we need to deal with in order to retable these motions back in the House again.
Mr. Perkins.